6 travel destinations to celebrate Christmas in the sun



What if we celebrate Christmas in an unusual place this year? Why not swimsuit with a cocktail in hand on a beach at hundreds of miles from home?



Plage de la Guadeloupe

Spending the Christmas holidays in Guadeloupe can really change you every day, with local specialties: pudding, ham with pineapple and coconut, but also the famous local song “sung Nwèl”, tradition of the West Indies. You will of course taste the local Ti Punch and party all night. With an average temperature of 29 ° C at this time of the year you will not be cold for Christmas!

Canary Islands



A few hours from Paris only, you could settle on the beach to make your castle in the sand or to taste the famous trucha de batata. In Yaiza, you can even test a camel ride like a King Mage! To spend Christmas in the Canaries is a nice option and not too expensive.

Mauritius Island 



The end of the year is very touristic in Mauritius, especially for the New Year, but at Christmas it is very pleasant to discover the traditions of the island. You can find Christmas gifts in the market of Port Louis and bring back some local spices for your kitchen. Of course it is a bit more expensive than other destinations as it is very popular.




The advantage to Bali as throughout the southern hemisphere, you will not need sweaters in your suitcase. If you come a few days before Christmas you will enjoy the amazing flora and fauna and a temperature around 30 ° C. Perhaps you will enjoy a coconut milk trek for Christmas, as it is one of the Indonesian specialties.

Cape Verde Island



Cape Verde is the ideal destination if you want to enjoy the turquoise water and fewer tourists to spend a relaxing Christmas. There are some celebrations organized on the beaches for the New Year, but otherwise it is a fairly quiet period. Know that Merry Christmas in Cape Verde is called “Boas Festas”.

Crete island



Did you like Crete in summer? Are you interested in a Greek Christmas and have your visited Crete Island  yet. Fewer people are still under the sun at this time of year. Put your suitcases in Heraklion, the heart of Crete, to eat the famous Vassilopita cake and admire the huge pine tree on the square with the Christmas village for children. Kalä Hristoügénna!

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