Swimming with dolphins in Mauritius guidelines


Swimming with dolphins represents the dream for many, adult or children. It is an experience of a lifetime, in a place renowned both for its breathtaking scenery and its great respect for dolphins, whales and other mammals : Mauritius


However, if the conditions in this country are optimal to go to the meeting and swim with the dolphins , if your dream is to swim with dolphins (free, of course!), The first thing to do is to find out more about The conditions of this kind of encounters, and choose accordingly. Indeed, if you wish to swim dolphins, it is most certainly because you like these animals meeting them in their natural habitat promote their freedom and help grow awareness for this stunning animals.


If you sail, you may have already had the opportunity to meet dolphins accompanying your boat. Maybe even you’ve already swum with them. Anyway, if you find yourself one day in the presence of dolphins and you want to jump in the water with them, here are some guidelines to respect:


Do not throw yourself (literally) into the water

By throwing you loudly in the water, you will probably make the dolphins want to go somewhere else! So be sure to enter calmly into the water, whatever your level of excitement. You do not want to give the impression to our dolphins friends that you are a rude character. Respect their life and environment and always remember that you are a guest in this giant and mysterious place we call the ocean.


Do not touch the dolphins

This is probably one of the most important rules. If you get to intrigue a dolphin or a group of dolphins, they will come and observe you, do some laps around you. Do not use it to try to caress them. It is the dolphins who will initiate, perhaps, a contact. Anyway, do not take the lead. Especially since, in certain circumstances, this can lead to undesirable reactions from them. These animals are known for their good humanness, but they are mostly wild animals, do not forget it.
Visual contact

Try to create a visual contact with the dolphins that will come to meet you. Those who have the opportunity to exchange a look with a dolphin, a whale or a sperm whale will tell you: there are many things that pass (some even speak of telepathy). Whatever may be a very strong impression, which may give you the certainty, if you had not already, that these creatures are indeed of extraordinary intelligence and sensibility.


Discover Mexico: A mysterious island with ghosts dolls

La Isla de las Munecas  (3)

In the marshy area of Xochimilco, south of Mexico City, is probably the most scary place in Mexico. After a long trip through an extensive network of canals, we can discover an abandoned island where the trees, covered with small mutilated bodies, offer a vision of a nightmare. Become one of the strangest sights in the world, this island is known as the “isla munecas the” Island of the dolls.

La Isla de las Munecas  (1)

La Isla de las Munecas  (2)

The history of the island starts in the 50s, when a Don Julian Santana Barrera decides to live as a hermit, leaving women and children behind. Shortly after arriving on the scene, Don Julian became convinced that they are haunted by the spirit of a little girl drowned in the canal that borders the island. To appease the ghost of the girl and protection from evil spell, Don Julian will start collecting old abandoned dolls that sometimes drift with water. One by one, he will hang from the trees of the island, forming a strange mausoleum in honor of the deceased child.

Don Julian will even go out of his hermitage to collect dolls advantage of in landfills, and aboriginal even take the habit of exchanging him against waste dolls that vegetables grown on the island. Small silhouettes mutilated then accumulate hundreds, literally covering vegetation. Over the years, they break down horribly, rain and sun eroding their faces with empty eyes. Attached to the branches by son of rusty iron, they are often covered with spider webs or dirt when they are not dismembered.

La Isla de las Munecas  (4)

La Isla de las Munecas  (5)

The island was really discovered by the public in the 90’s, during one of the Xochimilco canals cleaning program. The “trajineras” local gondolas, could then access them freely, and the island of dolls became a kind of macabre and surreal attraction. However, it is not on the classic tourist routes, and must specifically ask the boats drivers for a tour. Two hours through a maze of canals navigation is required to access it, but those who have visited the island speak for a unique experience, as a degenerate art installation in which one feels observed everywhere.

Don Julian Santana Barrera was found drowned April 17, 2001, at the age of 80 years. He lived alone on the island for the last 50 years of his life, the heart of his absurd and grandiose work. Now only occupying places, dolls slowly continue to rot in the sun of Mexico, but according to local superstitions, we could see them moving when the night comes ..

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